2003年,深圳市锐健电子有限公司由一群对工作怀抱信仰热情的人,为了协助中国国内客户提升产品与制程的精度为目标所成立的公司。时至今日,锐健已经有超过150名以上的员工,秉持着成立时的信仰与热情,继续为全球的客户提升产品与制程的精度。如同我们品牌Pi所代表的含义,Precision Industry精密工业,我们专注于设计与生产各类精密机械零件,协助我们的客户克服其产业领域内的各项精密挑战。我们提供精密定位滑台、XY线性滑台、电动缸、直角坐标滑台、 直线电机模组、工业机械手臂以及自动化传动元件,应用于半导体,LCD,PCB,医疗,自动化,汽车等各类产业。
Ruan Technology Inc. founded in 2003 by a group of person who working with passion and believing to help customers in China working more precisely. By now, more than 150 employees work together as 2003 to help our customers around the world working more precisely with our products and service. As the meaning of our own brand “PI”, we focus in providing precision mechanical parts to help our customers to conquer the challenge from different industry field. We are now providing XY Table, Actuator, XY Stage, Linear Motor and Robot for semiconductor, automotive, LCD, PCB, biotechnology and other field of industry. Praise from customers is the motivation for us to keep working better and great.
Ruan Technology shall be your best partner forever.